We organise two
Rallies each year.
The Red Rose Winter Rally
held in
February, and the Red Rose Summer Rally in September. Both are popular events in the area and attract
amateurs from as far afield as GM and the south coast. They have a wide variety of services to amateurs including a very popular Bring and Buy
Hi.. Welcome
to the West Manchester Radio Club website. Here we hope to provide
you with an insight into the day to day activities of our club, which is based North West of the city of Manchester
--Meet us at our next Red Rose Rally, August 2025--
The West
Manchester Radio Club is situated 11 miles North West of Manchester
not far from the East Lancashire Road (A580). To get directions
to the club or to view a map then click here.
We are located at Astley and Tyldesley Miners Welfare Club, Meanley
Road Gin Pit Village, Astley Manchester M29 7DW. We meet every Thursday evening from 19:30.
To contact us by email or drop in on a Thursday evening. contact
- Live cameras...
Live camera links are right here, you can view the WMRC car park and the radio shack. members can get video stream, follow the details on the link.
- WMRC Diary Dates
- WMRC DX News Bulletins
- Keep up to date
Want to know whats going
on in the WMRC? Then take a look in here, special event stations
barbecues, bowling, open days,etc etc etc. Please note the diary
dates will be available after the 1st March each year.
WMRC YouTube channel here, event and promotional video.
WMRC has two facebook groups, a members only facebook group, where internal matters are discussed and a public group where everyone is welcome. WMRC events, red rose rally updates and general radio related matters are welcome. Join here
TX Factor is a brand new series of high definition TV shows covering all aspects of the hobby which is amateur radio. A professionally produced programme presented by radio amateurs for radio amateurs.
Information available for the propagation condition
for 2 metres and higher. For those interested in tropospheric ducting in Europe.
Other regions may be selected.
OFFICIAL website of UK FM Group (Western), which is designed
to be used by Radio Amateurs as a gateway to information
we consider is of value to them.
Take a look at Ham Radio Deluxe
cat control software. It's probably the best around, it's free to trial. with loads of features including
PSK31 Deluxe...
A lot of new amateurs don't know
who their QSL manager is. Check it out here
The digital technology the club have chosen for our repeater project is the Yaesu C4FM Fusion system, with its Wires X linking network. This VoIP (Voice-over-IP) system reliably links amateur radio systems globally via the internet. Individual users with a Fusion radio can use the club repeater or network with it using a personal hotspot at home.
Do you want to send an electronic
e-QSL to someone then visit their site by clicking the link
The West Manchester
Radio Club is a recognised satellite centre for the RSGB, we
have members who are willing and able to get you up to speed
to take your examination.
- Monthly Contest Guide
- Make New Friends.
Last years IARU contest results
have been published take a look here
We are a friendly
bunch, and we meet from 19:30 every Thursday
at Astley & Tyldesley Miners Welfare Club, Meanley Road,
Gin Pit Village, Astley Manchester M29 7DW. To see a map or get directions
then click Here
Check if there is any action in the shack here
New to Radio?
Want to try it for £0?
If you have an interest in radio and want to dip a toe in, there no need to buy equipment. Well certainly not until you have gained some knowledge. Follow the link below and in seconds you can be flying around the various bands. We will explain how to exploit the resources out there and get playing immediately. CLICK HERE